Project Description
Born: (1931) in Poland. Graduated: 1954 B.Sc., 1956 M.Sc. from Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). Joined: WUT in 1952, since 1987 professor. Main interests: high voltage technology, protection against overvoltages, lightning protection and electromagnetic compatibility. Publications: 6 books and above 250 scientific papers. Academic positions: deputy of the dean of the Electrical Faculy of WUT (1971 – 1987), prorector of the University (1988 – 1992); the head of the Division of High Voltage Technology (1991 – 2001).
Selected activities: scientific consultant at Research and Development Centre (since1972); president of Polish Committee on Lightning Protection (since 1970), member(since 1972) and vice-president of Scientific Committee of International Conference on Lightning Protection – ICLP (1996 – 2001); member of CIGRE Study Commitee No 33 (since 1973 – 1996); member of Polish Committee for Standardization (1994 – 1998); chairman of Technical Committee for Standardization on Electrical Plants and Lightning Protection (since 1982); member of several IEC TC 81 and TC 64 Working Groups, member of Electrotechnical Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences (1987 – 92); Fellow of the Institotion of Electrical Engineers – IEE (1992 – 2001); permanent scientific cooperation with the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (since 1983). Member and Chairman of Warsaw Council (1991 – 1992)and Minister of National Education (1992 – 1993).