Project Description
Dr. Carlo Mazzetti di Pietralata was born in Rome, Italy, 1943. He received the Dr. Eng. degree in Electrical engineering from University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1967 where he is now Full Professor of “High Voltage Engineering” since 1986.
From 1986 until 1989 he has been Director of the Electrical Engineering Department of the same University. From 1986 to 1992 he has been Director of High Voltage Research Group of National Research Council (CNR) of Italy. He has been chairman of the IEEE-12 th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (12 th ICDL) held in Roma, Faculty of Engineering of University of Roma “La Sapienza” – July 1996, where he received an award from IEEE Dielectric and Electrical Insulation Society for his chairmanship in the organization of 12 th ICDL. He was the Chairman of the 23 rd International Conference on Lightning Protection (23 rd ICLP) held in Florence 1996.
Since 1996 he is President of the International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP). Since 1990 he is a Member of IEC-TC81 and CLC-TC81 (Lightning Protection) where he acts as Assistant Secretary. He is a Convenor of WG8 :”Protection against lightning. Part 1: General principles – Part 3: Physical damages and life hazard”, WG9: “Protection against lightning. Part 2: Risk management for structures and services” and WG4 “Risk management for structures and services due to lightning”.
He is a Member of CIGRE WG33 TF 2: “Lightning induced overvoltages”. He is responsible of the Agreement of cooperation between the University of Roma “La Sapienza” and the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Piura (Perù).
His main interests are HV transient analysis and measurements with particular reference to lightning effects and diagnostic tests on electrical insulation. He is responsible of several research projects on both subjects, supported by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research and by University of Roma “La Sapienza”. He is author of more than 150 papers published in the Proceedings of National and International Conferences or in International Journals. He is author of three books on “HV impulse generators” , “HV measurement techniques”, “SF6 and its industrial applications”.